Mumbai: The ministry of information and broadcasting (MIB) on Friday gave all multi-system operators (MSOs) the final opportunity to get themselves registered on its official Digital India MIB website ( The deadline has been extended till 2 December 2022. The previous deadline set for registration was 25 November 2022.
In an order dated 31 May 2022, the MIB decided to monitor the output feed of cable operators through a monitoring device. The monitoring devices are to be installed on the headends of the cable operators under the provisions of sub-section 4 of section 10A of the Cable Television Networks (Regulation) Act, 1995.
Thus, all the MSOs were informed through email to furnish the details regarding head-end locations, conditional access systems, transport stream/frequency details, RF feed details, platform service details, CTAV signal distribution areas, STB seeding details, etc. as required by the state-owned Broadcast Engineering Consultants India Ltd. (BECIL) official team for monitoring systems.
However, the need to extend the deadline arises after the ministry notices that some of the MSOs are yet to get registered and furnish the details.
Warning the MSOs, the ministry stated that their inability to furnish this required information will be viewed as a violation of the registration conditions and might lead to proceedings that include suspension/revocation of the MSO registration. "It is reiterated that failure to fumish above information within the prescribed time limit shall be construed as a violation of the terms and conditions of MSO registration," the MIB said in an order released on Friday.
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