Mumbai: Titan Eye+ announced the launch of its new integrated campaign featuring Bollywood actor Ayushmann Khurrana. Created by Ogilvy, The campaign "Expert Who Cares" focuses on the consumer’s approach to buying eyewear and aims to make them aware of the important aspects of the process.
The TVC features Khurrana with a kid in a Titan Eye+ showroom in an instance where they have to buy spectacles. Khurrana begins the process as most consumers would, by checking how the frames look.
The film takes an interesting turn when the kid urges Khurrana to reconsider his questions and takes charge of the situation. Through this engaging ad film, Titan Eye+ conveys the importance of asking the right questions about your eye health and assures consumers that they have all the right answers to their concerns.
Commenting on the new campaign, Titan Company marketing head for eyecare division Maneesh Krishnamurthy said, "Today, consumers restrict their questions to style and price while purchasing eyewear and our new campaign is born out of the desire to change this very perspective. We had very serious questions to ask. What better way than to ask it disarmingly with a child’s innocence."
"The Titan Eye+ brand promise is expertise and empathy, and the 'Experts Who Care' campaign advances that conversation. Titan Eye+ insists that only qualified optometrists test eyes through our unique 20-step eye test as well as recommend the correct eye care for each consumer’s needs," he added.
Titan Eye+ has led the category conversation since its inception, starting by being the first retailer to offer an open-browse format and standard pricing across all stores. With a 4.9 star rating on Google by over five lakh consumers, Titan Eye+ is its customers' favourite and trusted eyewear brand. With a wide range of designs and styles that cater to different functionalities, the brand, with its new campaign, successfully puts out the idea that eye testing and expert advice should override every other buying decision when it comes to eyewear.
Sharing the idea behind the campaign, Ogilvy Bangalore COO Puneet Kapoor said, "With this campaign, Titan Eye+ champions a behavioural insight in the category, which is an eye-opener for most seasoned spectacle wearers. The entire category is so heavily dominated only by the style of conversation that the conversation around accurate vision correction is diluted. While style is important, and we have frames that have won enough design awards, the conversation around accurate testing and accurate prescription needs to be rescued from the blind spot it sits in right now. That is where this campaign succeeds and strikes the proper balance in the conversation we need to have."
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